Plan your day with us and leave plenty of time to arrive at Ludlow Castle so as to avoid missing any of the fun and food. Find out all you need to know here...

There are numerous park and walk facilities. All will be signposted as you approach Ludlow from different directions.
The Ludlow Cricket Club will be open on the three days of the Festival.
This parking area at Ludlow Cricket Club has capacity for 400-500 vehicles with easy access, plus a very large space for overnight campers.
- The gates are open from: 8.45am to 8.30pm
- Location: Burway Lane, Ludlow, SY8 1GX
- Ludlow Cricket Club has capacity for 400-500 vehicles with easy access, plus a very large space for overnight campers
- Cost: £5 per day up to 1 pm, £3 thereafter.
- If staying overnight £12 per adult, per night and £6 per child (15 or under) per night
- To make a booking please call: 07759 197194
- Facilities: Toilet and rudimentary baby-changing facilities during car parking hours, also shower facilities for overnight campers, with breakfast available in the clubhouse
Ludlow Cricket Club is a non-profit organisation with all monies being ploughed back into cricket facilities, especially to benefit junior cricket in the area.
Ludlow Football Stadium will be running a Charity Car Park at the on the three days of the Festival.
The parking area at Ludlow Football Stadium has capacity for 400-500 vehicles with easy access located just of the A49 approximately a 10minute walk from the town centre.
- The gates are open from: 7.00am to 7.00pm
- Location: The Ludlow Football Stadium, Bromfield Road, Ludlow, SY8 2NM
- Cost: £5 per day up to 1 pm, £3.50 thereafter.
- Facilities: Toilet facilities are available during car park open hours with hot and cold food and drink refreshments available to purchase from the stadium.
Local Farmer, George, is opening his fields for a Park & Walk facility over the three days of this year's Festival. It has a very easy access from the A49 and will comfortably accommodate many cars.
- The location is situated just passed the Co-Operative Petrol Station, Ludlow (by turning off the A49 at the roundabout) then accessed via Foldgate Lane - please follow the Park & Walk signage.
- Gates will be open between 8:30am-8:30pm
- Cost: £5 per car
- Dog Friendly - where you are surrounded in fields with lovely scenery and beautiful walks
- You can enjoy a ten-minjute walk along the riverside, which will take you into the town centre.
If you have any questions please call George on 07968 641315
Park & Ride
For your convenience - and that of others - please use the Park and Ride, follow signs on the A49 and the A4117 as you approach Ludlow - don't head for the town centre.
Minsterley Motors run a town service - details can be found here
By law we have had to increase our security significantly this year and we hope that you will be patient and understanding. We have had to introduce bag searches for the first time this year. This is a non-negotiable process and we have been working really hard to ensure it all runs as smoothly and quickly as possible.
Please be aware that the new security checks will add time to your day so leave to get to us in plenty of time!